Here is another really good post for your reading enjoyment today. You can comment below and tell me your thoughts about this new article.
Supply chain vendors are apparently very unhappy about Windows 8. Per Business Insider, it seems that Topeka Capital analyst Brian White has been visiting with Asian supply chain manufacturers and has found that they have “overwhelmingly negative” feelings about Microsoft’s (MSFT) soon-to-be-launched operating system. Read More(
Microsoft prepares for Windows 8 launch with first official TV commercial [video]...Microsoft to launch Windows 8 alongside monster $1.5-$1.8...I have Windows 8 preview edition installed in my desktop, and love the faster boot time and...
Now you know why this article was ranked number 15, please leave some comments below.
Time to move to a Mac? Windows 8 reportedly getting 'overwhelmingly negative' response from vendors Tks @bgr
— Charles Clayton (@oxfordleaders) October 15, 2012
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